chinese consolidated benevolent association terjemahan Cina
- malaysian chinese association|meta|shading: party meta|shading|马华公会
- consolidated b-24 liberator: b-24轰炸机
- consolidated pby catalina: pby卡特琳娜水上[飛飞]机
- chinese doctors: 中国医生
- chinese star: 中文之星
- the chinese widow: 烽火芳菲
- a chinese ghost story: 倩女幽魂 (1987年电影)
- a chinese odyssey part three: 大话西遊3 (电影)
- a chinese torture chamber story: 满清十大酷刑
- chinese academy of social sciences: 中国社会科学院
- chinese deep space network: 中国深空测控网
- chinese exclusion act: 美国排华法案
- chinese garden of friendship: 谊园 (悉尼)
- chinese military aircraft: 中国人民解放军军用飞机